Pockets and His Loyal Friend, Buddy

Read to me Pockets story:   One sunny afternoon, while wandering through the park, Pockets heard a faint whimpering sound. Curious, he followed the noise and found a little brown dog trapped in a bush. The dog’s fur was tangled, and it looked scared and hungry. “Hey there, little guy. Don’t worry, I’ll help you,” […]

Pockets and His Teacher Miss Linda

Read to me Pockets story:   Today is a special day and good news! “Our teacher is sick and can’t teach us today!” Steve announced excitedly to the class. “We are getting a substitute teacher,” he continued, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh, I can’t wait to act up in class! Our teacher is sick […]

Pockets and the football game

Listen:   One day, Pockets decided to go see his friend Paul at his football game for the first time. Football wasn’t his sport, but since he had a friend who was into that sort of thing, he chose to show him some support. He cheered for Paul’s team every time they had the ball. […]

Crossing The Street is Scary

Listen:   Pockets noticed his neighbor was about to cross the street without paying attention. Pockets ran up to his neighbor, trying to get his attention, but he didn’t hear Pockets because he had his earpiece in, talking on the phone. Quickly, Pockets tapped him on the shoulder. The neighbor stopped and turned around with […]

A Tale of Frogs and Friends

Read to me Pockets story:   One sunny afternoon, Pockets and his friends gathered by the village pond. The water sparkled in the sunlight, and the air was filled with the merry chirping of birds. Pockets watched as his friends began picking up stones and tossing them into the pond, each splash met with raucous […]

Pockets and the Magical Golf Cart Ride

Read to me Pockets story:   One bright Saturday, while exploring the old shed behind his house, Pockets stumbled upon a dusty, forgotten golf cart. Its sleek, shiny body seemed to beckon him, and without a moment’s hesitation, Pockets hopped into the driver’s seat. “Vroom, vroom!” he exclaimed as he turned the key, and to […]

Pockets was reading a book

Read to me Pockets story:   Pockets was reading a book underneath a tree, where the shade shielded him from the midday sun while letting in just enough light for reading. The book contained stories with lessons and morals, and Pockets loved how each tale taught him something new. Pockets was engrossed in a story […]

Pockets and friends

Read to me Pockets story:   Pockets stood in the park, watching the kids play soccer on the field. He enjoyed watching them run and laugh, but he wasn’t much of a soccer player himself. He preferred quieter activities like drawing or reading comics under a tree. His friend Gabriel sat down beside him, tossing […]

Pockets meets Big foot

Read to me Pockets story:   Once upon a time on a hot summer day, not a cloud in the sky, even birds refused to fly, and dogs weren’t chasing cats. Squirrels stayed put in their trees, not reaching for acorns. Pockets, our adventurous little friend, decided it was the perfect day for a morning […]

A Tale of Blessings and Giving

Read to me Pockets story:   Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and babbling brooks, there lived a boy named Pockets. Pockets wasn’t called so because of the pockets in his clothes, but because he always had a pocketful of kindness, ready to share with anyone in need. One […]