Story Time

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets Teaches Behavior To The Kids

Hi, my name is Pockets! My mission is to help and teach kids the good value of life. I have a lot of pockets, even on my hat. Sometimes I forget to do something, and I write them down and put them in one of my pockets. Then I will forget what pocket I put the note in. So, I add another pocket to my clothes, but in a different color so that will help me to remember that I put it in that color pocket.


Pockets Stories

Pockets And The Gingerbread’s Man

One bright and sunny morning, Pockets had a great idea! He wanted to surprise his mom with something she loved to eat. Can you guess what it was? That’s right—gingerbread! His mom absolutely loves gingerbread, and every time she smells it baking, she sings the “Muffin Man” song. But here’s the funny part… she always gets the words a little mixed up, and it makes Pockets laugh so hard!

So, Pockets skipped down to the store, his mind filled with excitement. He was going to make the best gingerbread cookies ever for his mom! When he got home, he grabbed a big bowl, added water, eggs, and the gingerbread mix, then started stirring and stirring… and stirring some more! He stirred so long that his arms got tired… and before he knew it, he fell asleep right at the table.

While he slept, something magical happened. Pockets began to dream, and suddenly, he felt a little tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes, and guess what he saw standing right in front of him?

“What are you doing, Pockets?”

Pockets couldn’t believe his eyes! He jumped back and almost fell off his chair!

“Where… where did you come from?”

“I came from your heart, Pockets. The love you have for your mom brought me to life! And guess what? I’m here to give you three wishes!”

“I wish you wouldn’t scare me like that!”

“Well, that’s one wish down! Now you’ve got two more!”

“Wait, wait! That’s not fair! I didn’t mean to use that wish! I still have to finish the cookies for my mom.”

“Here, catch!”

“Whoa! Don’t throw that! My mom doesn’t like me playing with food!”

Pockets caught the plate, then had an idea.

“Okay, for my second wish… I want a box and some tape!”

“A box and tape? That’s a funny wish!”

But with a magical chime, the box and tape appeared. The gingerbread man still looked confused, but Pockets had a plan!

“Now, for my third wish… I want you to step inside the box! Let’s see if it’s big enough.”

The gingerbread man, still unsure, stepped into the box. And as soon as he did, Pockets quickly put the top on and taped it up real tight!

“For my third wish, I wish this box was sent all the way to the moon!”

And just like that, the box—with the gingerbread man inside—flew up, up, up, all the way to the moon!

Then, Pockets woke up with a start. He realized it was all a dream, but it felt so real! He laughed to himself and went right back to baking those gingerbread cookies for his mom.

And if you look up at the moon tonight, you might just see a gingerbread man up there, smiling down, happy to be part of Pockets’ dream.

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Pocket Stories

In a happy village filled with colorful flowers and bright sunshine, there lived a curious young boy named Pockets. Pockets loved to explore and learn

It was a bright and cheerful morning as Layla woke up, her room filled with colorful balloons and shiny streamers. She hopped out of bed

Once upon a time, in a vibrant village nestled by a shimmering lake, there lived a curious boy named Pockets. Pockets was always tinkering and

One day, as Pockets was strolling through the forest, he stumbled upon something unusual. It was a giant, red number ‘1’ standing tall like a