Story Time

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets Teaches Behavior To The Kids

Hi, my name is Pockets! My mission is to help and teach kids the good value of life. I have a lot of pockets, even on my hat. Sometimes I forget to do something, and I write them down and put them in one of my pockets. Then I will forget what pocket I put the note in. So, I add another pocket to my clothes, but in a different color so that will help me to remember that I put it in that color pocket.


Pockets Stories

Pockets and the Feast of Gratitude

One afternoon, Pockets’ grandmother called him over with an excited twinkle in her eye. “Today, you will join the Grand Feast at the Village Square!” she announced. “But beware, young one. The feast holds a great secret—only those who show true appreciation for food will discover its hidden treasure.”

Pockets’ heart leaped with excitement. A treasure? At a feast? This was going to be the best day ever!

Armed with his ever-curious mind, he rushed to the village, where long tables were piled high with fresh fruits, warm bread, steaming rice, and delicious curries. The smell alone made his stomach growl.

As he grabbed a plate and filled it with food, his map—yes, the very same magical map from his past adventures—glowed in his pocket. The words shimmered:

"Your choices at this feast will decide your fate. Choose wisely!"

Pockets' eyes grew wide at the delicious food. He piled his plate high—more than he could possibly eat—just because everything looked so tasty. But before he could take a bite, an old chef with a long white beard appeared before him.

“Ah, young traveler,” the chef said, stroking his beard. “You stand at the first challenge.

What should one do when taking food at a feast?”

Pockets thought carefully. “I should take only what I can eat. Food is precious, and wasting it isn’t right.”

The chef’s face lit up with a warm smile. “Indeed, my boy! Every grain of rice, every drop of soup, is made with love and hard work. Waste not, and you will always have enough.”

At that moment, the map in Pockets’ pocket shimmered, revealing a golden path leading deeper into the feast.

Pockets grinned. “I should take a lot! How else will I know what I like?”

The chef’s smile faded. “Ah, but young one, what happens if you can’t finish? Good food deserves respect, not waste.”

Pockets looked at his overloaded plate and felt a pang of guilt. The map in his pocket flickered uncertainly. “I… I guess I should only take what I need,” he admitted.

The chef nodded. “A lesson learned is a treasure gained. Choose wisely next time.”

Pockets shrugged. “If I don’t like something, I’ll just throw it away.”

The chef’s expression turned sad. “Food is not meant to be wasted. Farmers work hard to grow it, cooks prepare it with care, and many people in the world don’t have enough to eat.”

At that moment, Pockets' map turned dark, the golden path disappearing. He had failed the first challenge.

“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I should have been more thoughtful.”

The chef smiled gently. “It’s never too late to change, young one.”

As Pockets continued through the feast, he noticed a little boy sitting alone with an empty plate. His stomach rumbled, and he looked longingly at the food.

Pockets’ map shimmered again with a new question:

"When you have food and someone else has none, what should you do?"

Pockets smiled and handed the boy some of his food. “Here, you can have some of mine.”

The boy’s face lit up with joy. “Thank you so much!” he said.

Suddenly, Pockets’ map glowed brighter, and the golden path extended forward. A voice whispered, “Kindness feeds the soul as much as food feeds the body.”

Pockets quickly shoveled food into his mouth, avoiding the boy’s gaze. “If I eat fast, I won’t have to share.”

The map in his pocket dimmed, and the warm feeling in his heart faded. The little boy sighed and walked away, still hungry.

A whisper echoed in Pockets' ear: “True treasures are found not in what you keep, but in what you give.”

Pockets looked away and ignored the boy. "It's not my job to feed him," he muttered.

At that moment, the feast around him seemed to lose its glow. The delicious smells faded, and the food on his plate didn’t seem as tasty anymore. The golden path disappeared.

A whisper surrounded him: “A full stomach means nothing if the heart is empty.”

Pockets sighed. He had made the wrong choice.

At last, Pockets reached the heart of the feast. Before him stood a grand golden table, shimmering with magic. A wise old woman, draped in robes as bright as the sun, sat at the head.

“You have nearly reached the treasure,” she said. “But one final question remains: What is the best way to show gratitude for your food?”

Pockets stood tall. “I should always say thank you and never waste food.”

The wise woman smiled. “Then you are ready for the treasure.” She handed Pockets a golden apple, glowing with warmth. “This is the Fruit of Gratitude. Those who cherish what they have will always find abundance.”

Pockets took the apple, his heart swelling with happiness. He had completed the feast’s challenge—and learned a lesson that would stay with him forever.

Pockets shrugged. “It’s just food. I eat because I have to.”

The wise woman frowned. “Without gratitude, even the richest feast tastes bland. You have missed the true treasure.”

The golden table vanished, and the feast faded around him. Pockets sighed, realizing he had lost the chance to learn something valuable.

Pockets grinned. “I should take more, just in case!”

The wise woman shook her head. “Taking more than you need while others go hungry is not the way to gratitude.”

The golden table disappeared, and the treasure was lost to him. Pockets felt his heart sink. He had learned an important lesson the hard way.

The Lesson of the Feast
As Pockets left the Village Square, he held the golden apple close. He had learned that food was a gift—one to be shared, respected, and never wasted.

From that day on, he always took only what he needed, shared with those who had less, and never forgot to say thank you for every meal.

Because he knew now: The greatest treasure of all… was gratitude.

The End.

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Pocket Stories

In a happy village filled with colorful flowers and bright sunshine, there lived a curious young boy named Pockets. Pockets loved to explore and learn

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Once upon a time, in a vibrant village nestled by a shimmering lake, there lived a curious boy named Pockets. Pockets was always tinkering and

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