Once upon a time, in a sunny, cheerful town, there lived a little girl named Haylo who loved to paint. One day, as Haylo was walking by the park with her paintbrushes and paints, she met a boy named Pockets.

“Hey there! Today’s my birthday! Can you draw a picture of me to celebrate?”

Pockets wore a bright, colorful hat with lots of pockets sewn into it, and he always had a big smile on his face. His eyes sparkled with excitement.

“I don’t draw. I paint!” Pockets’ eyes lit up even more.



“That’s even better! I’ve never had anyone paint a picture of me before!”



Haylo smiled and set up her canvas and paints. Pockets sat down on a nearby bench, ready to be painted. But there was a little problem… Pockets couldn’t sit still! He bounced up and down, too excited to stay in one place.



“If you keep moving around like that, I can’t do my job. Please stay still for ten minutes.”



Pockets tried, he really did, but he just couldn’t stop fidgeting. He wriggled and squirmed, his energy bubbling over.

“If I had a camera, I could just take your picture and paint from that.”

Pockets giggled, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

“I’ve got a better idea! How about I take a picture of myself?”

Pockets quickly grabbed a camera and snapped a picture of himself, a wide grin on his face. He handed the photo to Haylo, proud of his clever solution.



“Here! Now you can paint this because I just can’t sit still!” Haylo nodded, smiling as she took the picture. She carefully painted every detail of Pockets’ happy face. And when she finished, she showed it to him. The painting was perfect, every color and every line captured Pockets’ joyful energy.

“Wow! This is amazing! I’m going to keep this forever as a memory of my birthday!”



Haylo smiled, knowing she had made Pockets’ day special. And she learned something too—that when things don’t go as planned, you just need to get creative and find a new way to make it work.

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