Story Time

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets Teaches Behavior To The Kids

Hi, my name is Pockets! My mission is to help and teach kids the good value of life. I have a lot of pockets, even on my hat. Sometimes I forget to do something, and I write them down and put them in one of my pockets. Then I will forget what pocket I put the note in. So, I add another pocket to my clothes, but in a different color so that will help me to remember that I put it in that color pocket.


Pockets Stories

A Mouse And A Frog’s Friendship

Pockets & Friends

Once upon a time, there lived a mouse and a frog, who were the best of friends. Every morning, the frog would hop out of the pond to visit the mouse, who lived inside the hole of the tree. He would spend time with the mouse and go back home. One day, the frog realized that he was making too much of an effort to visit the mouse while the mouse never came to meet him at the pond. This made him angry, and he decided to make things right by forcefully taking him to his house.

When the mouse wasn’t looking, the frog tied a string to the mouse’s tail and tied the other end to his own leg, and hopped away. The mouse started getting dragged with him. Then, the frog jumped into the pond to swim. However, when he looked back, he saw that the mouse had started to drown and was struggling to breathe! The frog quickly untied the string from his tail and took him to the shore. Seeing the mouse with his eyes barely open made the frog very sad, and he immediately regretted pulling him into the pond.

Moral of the Story

Don’t take revenge because it can be harmful to you.

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Pocket Stories

In a happy village filled with colorful flowers and bright sunshine, there lived a curious young boy named Pockets. Pockets loved to explore and learn

It was a bright and cheerful morning as Layla woke up, her room filled with colorful balloons and shiny streamers. She hopped out of bed

Once upon a time, in a vibrant village nestled by a shimmering lake, there lived a curious boy named Pockets. Pockets was always tinkering and

One day, as Pockets was strolling through the forest, he stumbled upon something unusual. It was a giant, red number ‘1’ standing tall like a