Pockets’ First Job Interview

Read to me Pockets story:   Today is a great day for Pockets to be happy. He is now able to put what he learned from school into practice. From his ABCs and 123s as a kid to learning about life, going to the library, and helping his mother around the house by washing dishes […]

A Letter from Pockettes

Read to me Pockettes letter:   Don’t tell me that you are happy, And that you’ve got it made. Do you really think that it’s cool By having bad grades? How can you be a leader, By going down the wrong path? Being funny is not going to make it When you can’t even do […]

Pockets and the Birthday Painting

Once upon a time in a sunny, cheerful town, there was a little girl named Haylo who loved to paint. One day, as Haylo was walking by the park with her paintbrushes and paints, she met a boy named Pockets. Pockets wore a bright, colorful hat with lots of pockets sewn into it, and he […]

Lil Squeak and the Witch of the Winding Roads

Once upon a time, in a land where the roads twisted and turned like colorful ribbons, there was a magical duck named Lil Squeak. Lil Squeak wasn’t just any duck—he was a rapper with a heart full of rhythm and a song for every situation. He lived in a shiny blue bowl that floated along […]

The Tale of Sammy and the Silly Witch

Read to me Pockets story:   In a bustling city where colorful roads twisted and turned like a giant rainbow spaghetti, lived a young boy named Sammy. Sammy loved to rap and dreamed of becoming a famous rapper one day. He always wore his favorite blue cap and a big gold chain with an “S” […]

Why do I have to go to school?

Terry lived near the playground and every day he would sneak out of school and play basketball with a few guys. They felt school was a waste of time and boring. Just sitting in class and reading or listening to the teacher and doing tests. Why do we need to have a test all the […]

Pockets and His Loyal Friend, Buddy

Read to me Pockets story:   One sunny afternoon, while wandering through the park, Pockets heard a faint whimpering sound. Curious, he followed the noise and found a little brown dog trapped in a bush. The dog’s fur was tangled, and it looked scared and hungry. “Hey there, little guy. Don’t worry, I’ll help you,” […]

Pockets and His Teacher Miss Linda

Read to me Pockets story:   Today is a special day and good news! “Our teacher is sick and can’t teach us today!” Steve announced excitedly to the class. “We are getting a substitute teacher,” he continued, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh, I can’t wait to act up in class! Our teacher is sick […]

Pockets and the football game

Listen:   One day, Pockets decided to go see his friend Paul at his football game for the first time. Football wasn’t his sport, but since he had a friend who was into that sort of thing, he chose to show him some support. He cheered for Paul’s team every time they had the ball. […]

Crossing The Street is Scary

Listen:   Pockets noticed his neighbor was about to cross the street without paying attention. Pockets ran up to his neighbor, trying to get his attention, but he didn’t hear Pockets because he had his earpiece in, talking on the phone. Quickly, Pockets tapped him on the shoulder. The neighbor stopped and turned around with […]