Story Time

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets & Friends

Pockets Teaches Behavior To The Kids

Hi, my name is Pockets! My mission is to help and teach kids the good value of life. I have a lot of pockets, even on my hat. Sometimes I forget to do something, and I write them down and put them in one of my pockets. Then I will forget what pocket I put the note in. So, I add another pocket to my clothes, but in a different color so that will help me to remember that I put it in that color pocket.


Pockets Stories

Follow The Green Road

The red road has a dead end.

The yellow road only goes in a big circle.

The green road means go!

Red means stop Green means go!

Yellow means caution, So take it slow.

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Pocket Stories

It was a bright and cheerful morning as Layla woke up, her room filled with colorful balloons and shiny streamers. She hopped out of bed

One day, as Pockets was strolling through the forest, he stumbled upon something unusual. It was a giant, red number ‘1’ standing tall like a

On a cold winter night, when the whispering winds began to howl, the frost covered everything in its icy grip. You could see your breath,

Once upon a time, in a little town nestled between rolling hills and a sparkling river, there lived a curious young boy named Pockets. He